6. I need not offer any explanation regarding this incident - my behavior is speaking itself.
A. will speak to itself
B. speaks for itself
C. has been speaking
D. speaks about itself
Answer :B
Solution :
7. He is too important for tolerating any delay.
A. to tolerate
B. to tolerating
C. at tolerating
D. with tolerating
Answer :A
Solution :
8. The population of Tokyo is greater than that of any other town in the world.
A. greatest among any other
B. greater than all other
C. greater than those of any other
D. No correction required
Answer :D
Solution :
9. The performance of our players was rather worst than I had expected.
A. bad as I had expected
B. worse than I had expected
C. worse than expectation
D. worst than was expected
Answer :B
Solution :
10. Why did you not threw the bag away?
A. did you not throw
B. had you not threw
C. did you not thrown
D. you did not thrown
Answer :A
Solution :
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Environmental Science (পৰিৱেশ বিজ্ঞান ) MCQ
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