Daily Quiz - 27-04-2024
1. Their earnings are such that they find it difficult to make both ends to meet.

2. Statement: Should there be no place of interview in selection? Arguments: Yes, it is very subjective in assessment. No. It is the only instrument to judge candidates' motives and personality.

3. Statement: Should all the drugs patented and manufactured in Western countries be first tried out on sample basis before giving licence for sale to general public in India? Arguments: Yes. Many such drugs require different doses and duration for Indian population and hence it is necessary. No. This is just not feasible and hence cannot be implemented.

4. বায়ুৰ তুলনাত পানীত শব্দৰ বেগ

5. Next week when there ______ a Chinook, the temperature will be warmer.

6. মহাৰাজাধিৰাজ’ উপাধি গ্রহণ কৰা গুপ্তবংশৰ প্রথম সম্রাট আছিল

7. 'মহাপুৰুষ শ্ৰীশংকৰদেৱ আৰু শ্ৰীমাধৱদেৱ' গ্ৰস্থৰ প্ৰণেতা হ’ল

8. কাঁচৰ আপেক্ষিক প্ৰৱেশ্যতা বায়ুতকৈ

9. গাঁও পঞ্চায়ত এলেকাক কেইটা সমষ্টিত ভাগ কৰা হয় ?

10. Gibon Wild Life Sanctury is located at–