66. To use your keyboard instead of the mouse to select tools on the ribbon, you display the KeyTips by pressing the __________ key?
A. Alt
B. Ctrl
C. Shift+Enter
D. Alt+Enter
Answer :A
Solution :
67. A word field may consist of an optional field instruction called a(n) ______
A. subdocument
B. symbol
C. signal
D. switch
Answer :D
Solution :
68. Essential business letter elements include the _____.
A. date line and inside address
B. message
C. signature block
D. all of the above
Answer :D
Solution :
69. Which of the following helps to reduce spelling error in the document?
A. Auto Format
B. Auto Correct
C. Smart Tags
D. Auto Text
Answer :B
Solution :
70. It is possible to _______ a data source before performing a merge.
A. create
B. modify
C. sort
D. all of the above
Answer :D
Solution :
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